Friday, December 2, 2011

Monsters Under My Bed

Did you ever imagine you had monsters hiding under your bed when you were a kid? Did you ever lay awake at night paralyzed with fear? Afraid to breathe, afraid the monsters might hear you? I did! Unfortunately, my monsters didn’t stay under my bed—they followed me to school—and later hid in the trunk of my car and in the frozen food section of the local grocery store.
That’s the introduction to a speech I gave recently. Me speak? Yes, I know. I can’t believe it either! How did this happen, you ask?

A few years ago I joined Toastmasters to gain confidence and overcome my fear of people—all kinds of people—but scary people in particular. 'Editors' if you really want to know. This 'may' explain why I don't post as often as I originally intended, and YES, I feel terribly guilty about it!

What do we do in Toastmasters? Well, we don’t just sit around and toast bread, we actually practice the fine art of public speaking—and it’s said that most people would rather die than do this. So, I guess that makes me either very brave or very foolish—or perhaps bravely foolish! Either way, I’d still rather get up and speak in front of people than play with spiders—or stand on the ledge of a tall building.

Once in a while I bounce a speech idea off of a friend or family member. Often they ask me to send my finished script to them. Sometimes I do, and several of my blogs are even from speeches. BUT they have never seen me speak—because I never ‘let’ them!

After arguing with my internal fear-monsters, I decided it was time to give my family, friends—and you—a peek at what I’ve been up to these past few years. Yikes! Here goes... I invite you to click on the link below (or copy and paste into your browser) and sit-in on one of my speeches. Just so you know, my monsters are completely against this foolish idea!

“Monsters that Won’t Stay Under the Bed”

I apologize, but the sound quality isn’t strong. It’s best on a desktop with good speakers or on a laptop with headphones.