Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mr. FLU: 7 Tips to Prevent This Unwelcome Guest

An unwelcome guest stopped by last week—and he won’t leave! He insists on staying and making me miserable. I hear he can stay one week or even two, more if my immune system is weak.

How did I manage to let him in my door? I’m not sure, but I discovered with a little investigating that he’s very sneaky—and quite the acrobat.

Mr. Flu propels himself at speeds up to 60 miles per hour in the sneezes and coughs of friends and strangers. He hides on surfaces for up to 8 hours waiting for his next victim. Any surface will do—door handles, keyboards, or countertops. He lurks, waiting for someone to pick him up. Then he latches on to them when they touch their face or rub their eyes—or worse. Unsuspecting victims inhale his vile mist and take him home with them!

Unfortunately, Mr. Flu may be with you a full day before you know it. Suddenly, you begin to feel fatigued and achy. Next the fever and chills set in—and your uninvited guest boldly makes his presence known!

What can you do to escape this unwelcome guest? Health professionals recommend the flu shot. If you decide to get one, remember, it may take up to 2 weeks to take effect—so you still need to exercise prevention.

Check out the following tips I've gleaned from my research. (For complete information, always consult your health care provider.)

My favorite tip is—SMILE! Smiling and laughter are proven to boost your immune system. So, whether you’re trying to keep Mr. Flu out—or he’s already moved in—watch your favorite funny movie or stand-up comedian. It’s the one remedy that’s sure to cheer you up!

In fact, I’m forcing Mr. Flu to watch cute animals doing funny things on YouTube while I drink fizzy vitamin C drinks. I’m pretty sure he hates it. I figure it's only a matter of time before he leaves... ;-)

More flu info:  www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/preventing.htm
More smiling benefits:  http://healthiermn.com/5-health-benefits-of-smiling