Thursday, November 21, 2013

Barking, Hissing, or a Gentle Answer?

He’s barking at me in the kitchen as he chops meat on the cutting board. Heat rushes to my face. I feel like a cornered cat with my back arched and fur sticking out. 

Defensive thoughts race through my mind—running into a traffic jam of angry words in the back of my throat. Just as I’m about to “hiss” angry words—I hear a familiar whisper inside my head. 

A gentle answer turns away wrath…

In a flash an old video reel plays in my mind’s eye. We’re standing in the kitchen—barking and hissing at each another. He leaves the house frustrated, slamming the door behind him. I collapse on our bed in tears, our angry miscommunication feeling like a bowl of tangled spaghetti.


His barking voice snaps me back to the present. I look at his face—contorted in anger. I feel the urge to defend myself tug against the whisper. It’s my moment of decision. How many times have I regretted not listening to that little whisper? I take a breath and send up a quick prayer for strength—to yield!

Immediately the traffic jam in my throat disperses. I feel “the fur” on my back go down as my shoulders relax. Another whisper floats by my inner ear. Love is patient, love is kind… I give in to the words, and I feel them as I speak.

“Yes, I hear you.”

I see a flicker of surprise in his eyes as we lock gazes. His inner battle plays out on his face as he weighs his decision. I hear the clock in the living room—the one we bought for our first anniversary so many years ago. Tick—tick—tick.

His jaw relaxes. “Well, okay then,” he says.

A gentle answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1, NASV

Afterthought… This is one of the times I succeeded in heeding “the still small voice” that some believe is God, me being one of them, but I did not learn to heed without failing. As the saying goes, I am a work in progress—as we all are. So, don’t go beating yourself up for failing to heed yesterday. (I’m talking to myself as much as you.) Today is a new day. Pick yourself up and try again!

“Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.” 
~Mary Pickford