Recently I experienced the cutting pain of sharp words. I
lay awake at night struggling to stop the words from replaying in my head. Part
of me wanted to forgive and let go—the other part wanted to hold on and smolder.
One night I couldn’t sleep, so I got up at 3 AM to pray. I
prayed for the person who hurt me, and I prayed for help to let go. As I
prayed, this question came to my mind: If
this were my last night on earth, what would I say to this person?
I opened my laptop and wrote an answer that surprised me. Here are the words that came down my arms and
out my fingertips:
May you sense the holy presence of God. May you feel His great love for you. You were born for a
reason. God wanted you here. You are precious in His sight. He made you who you
are, and He put you where you are for a reason. Never forget that—and never
forget that every person that crosses your path was created by God. He wanted them
here too.
If I am that someone, I am crossing your path for a reason.
He put me here. Even though we are both flawed creatures—He loves us more than
we can fathom—and loving one another is the best way we can love Him back.
I wish only good for you. I pray for
your health and well-being. May God bless you and grant you peace.
In the short time it took to type these words, I found the
relief I sought. As peace settled over me, Jesus’ words came to mind: “Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you” (Luke
6:28, NLT).
Sticks and stones may break your bones and hurtful words may cut
like a knife, but the Lord will heal the wounds we surrender to Him.